Faith Promise 2024

We invite you to link arms with our incredible ministry partners to fulfil Christ's Great Commission through our 2024 Faith Promise.

Your 'Kingdom Builders' faith promise is a commitment to give by faith above and beyond your normal tithe to support gospel work in Perth and around the world. Our partners are Christian ministers and NGOs working to bring the love of God to vulnerable communities through practical care and gospel ministry.


If you prefer to maximise your donation via direct debit, please use the following details:

Name:  Bentley Baptist Church 
BSB:   704922 
Account:  100008322
Reference: 'Kingdom Builders'

Otherwise click here  to give by credit/debit card (choose 'Kingdom Builders' in the 'to' dropdown box).

Local Partners
Rose Braun
Fusion International

Rose Serves Fusion in Indonesia.

Fusion is a not-for-profit Christian Youth and Community organisation who have a deep and ongoing commitment to developing resilience in individual lives.

Jessie Braun
Fusion Australia

Jessie coordinates the youth work for Fusion in Perth and is making a lasting impact in the lives of young people in WA.

About Fusion
Local School Chaplaincy

Each year YouthCARE help thousands of students, staff and family members in Western Australian public school communities by providing an essential social, emotional and mental health support service.

About YouthCare
International Partners
Cosmos Alliance
health care and training in PNG, Zimbabwe & Uganda

Cosmos Alliance provides long-term, sustainable health solutions in developing nations, with voluntary medical teams from Australia supporting locally run overseas health projects.

About Cosmos
Living Child
Maternity care & training in PNG

Living Child aims to strengthen maternal and newborn health services in remote areas by linking village volunteers with health care providers, conduct regular health training, education and supervision to increase the quality of care, and to educate more Midwives.

About Living Child
Scott & Bek Falconer
Sharing Faith in Mozambique

Scott and Bek Falconer, along with their children, are Baptist Missionaries working among the local Yawo in Mozambique to form vibrant faith communities.

About the Falconers and BMA
Bentley Youth Partners
Sharing Hope